How do I redeem the eMusic $10 Music Credit?

Log onto our site, www.indemandsoftware.com by Clicking on the Customer Log-In link shown in the middle of the page.

Log into our secure server through use of your Customer ID and password from your certificate. If you have not already registered, you will first need to register your customer ID.

Next, scroll down to "Other Items Ordered" and click the link titled "eMusic $10 Music Credit to download up to 20 Songs Referral Card" for your first selection.

On the resulting page will be a link titled "eMusic Download Offer". Click the link and you will be redirected to eMusic's website.

Follow the onscreen instructions to create your eMusic account and redeem the 20 song download.

For help with eMusic, please contact eMusic directly by email at
http://www.emusic.com/support/faqs/email-emusic-member-services/ or by phone at 866-240-9271.