You can delete Photos or Videos within the Clickfree app. There is an alternative way to do this as well using your Android File Manager.
Below are the steps to do so :
1. Please plug in the Clickfree into your Android phone. When plugging in sometimes it will give you an option to "Cancel" or "OK". Please hit "Cancel" so that it will not bring you to the app.
2. Go to "File Manager" which can be found on your Home screen or in the settings.
3. In the file manager, scroll down and you will see an external device that was inserted. It will say "OTG" or just an external device.
4. Tap the external device and you will see the folders of what is on the Clickfree.
5. Select photo and video backups.
6. Then choose the photos that you need to delete by using the "tap and hold" method.
7. If you tap and hold the photo, it will show small boxes on the left side of the photo.
8. You can put a checkmark on the box to the said photos that you want to omit. As shown above.
9. At the bottom of the screen, you will be given options.
-These options are: "Share", "Copy", "Cut", "Delete" and "More".
10. Tap "Delete" to erase the photos that have been selected.
-----That's it, I hope these steps help!-------
You can also view this process with the Video Tutorial link below