Step-by-step guide to uninstall BullGuard
If you wish to remove BullGuard from your computer, this guide will show you how.
The uninstall process can be started by using either the uninstaller provided in the BullGuard folder, on the system disk in Program Files, or by using the Control Panel > Programs and Features option.
Before proceeding with uninstalling BullGuard, make sure you close and save any documents. The uninstall process will require a computer restart which may lead to losing any unsaved information.
Step 1
The first uninstall window is the Welcome screen. Click Next to proceed further.
Step 2
At the next screen, you are offered the possibility to keep the current BullGuard settings in case you wish to reinstall the application.
About keeping the settings
The Keep the Settings option saves all Antivirus and Firewall settings and Backup profiles. Saving the user preferences is recommended if you plan to reinstall BullGuard and would like to avoid going through editing each module and profile all over again.
Step 3
After clicking Next, a progress bar will show when the uninstall process is finished. Do not close the window during this operation and wait for it to finish. Closing the uninstall window prematurely will lead to an incomplete installation and may prevent reinstalling BullGuard correctly.
Before the uninstall completes, a web page will open with the message "Thank you for using BullGuard"
Step 4
The last window at the end of the uninstall process for BullGuard Premium Protection and BullGuard Internet Security will ask you to restart the computer. Choose Reboot now to restart the computer or I want to manually reboot later to postpone restarting the computer.
Restart the computer
It is necessary to restart the computer as some BullGuard components like the Antivirus or Firewall drivers can only be removed at the Windows start-up. Note that reinstalling BullGuard without restarting the computer will prevent the installation process from completing successfully.